Tag Archives: technology Blog

25 Decade-Shaping Technologies

This presentation from eWeek documents 25 key technologies that quickly became mainstream during the last ten years, reshaping our lives in the process. You’ll likely recall how you first heard about and then started using many of them. Interestingly, each of these technologies either gave us new and more powerful ways to use the Internet or brought the ‘Net closer to us in our daily lives. We’ve quickly become dependent upon many of these technologies as our lives have become more and more interactive.

The Internet itself helped speed these technologies along. Technology tends to beget technology, and technology that people find useful takes on a life of its own. We may look at something today and call it a novelty, but before we know it, we’re placing the order or creating the account and catching up to the early adopters. This list provides a nice bit of nostalgia, but it also teaches us to be nimble. The next 25 game-changing technologies likely will take far less than ten years to appear.

View presentation: http://bit.ly/bOxg0x

An Interactive World

Functioning interactively, hyper-connected, adapting, changing. An electronic world that has gripped society is here. Don’t lose focus for a minute or you’ll be passed by.

Exciting, challenging, demanding, intriguing. Lots of new ideas to understand, even as this new world is itself being defined and redefined.

Can we grasp technology? Leverage it? Make it pay?

In this space are shared some of the interesting ideas I come across in my regular research, along with some commentary, opinion, and why I think the subject matters.

What matters to you? In this interactive world, we’re all learning, inventing, morphing, sharing. Everyday. Non-stop.

Welcome #!