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Password Overload and Security Fatigue

Computer security is a big problem, especially considering the race that’s on to move everything about our lives online. This includes medical records, police files, work documents, purchase receipts, our movements and preferences, what we read, TV viewing, and on and on. Much of this is supposed to be private information, only available via secure login. But the reality is that hackers seem to access our information with relative ease. In contrast, we, the users, have to manage and remember a boatload of passwords to use our own information. The need to track, manage, update and vigilantly watch over all our accounts has given rise to the latest tech disease, security fatigue.

Security fatigue is defined in the study as a weariness or reluctance to deal with computer security. … The multidisciplinary team learned that the majority of their average computer users felt overwhelmed and bombarded, and they got tired of being on constant alert, adopting safe behavior, and trying to understand the nuances of online security issues.

Is just the thought of creating yet another password stressing you out? Read the full article at http://bit.ly/2e2zw0Y